Tuesday, July 26, 2005

and it's high school all over again!

My confessions include.......

[ ] I am bisexual or homosexual...or something like that.
[ ] I've run away from home
[x] I listen to political music = “AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!”
[ ] I collect comic books.
[x] I shut others out when I'm sad = definitely.
[x] I open up to others easily = only if they open up to me though.
[ ] I am keeping a secret from the world
[x] I watch the news. = when I can
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs
[x] I own an ipod or mp3 player = nomad muvo 64. just big enough to go running with. Which reminds me…
[x ] I own something from Hot Topic = GiR wristband
[x] I love Disney movies. = National Treasure and Pirates of the Caribbean, heck yeah.

[x] I am a sucker for hair/eyes = I’m an even bigger sucker for hair AROUND the eyes.

[ ] I don't kill bugs. = are you fucking kidding me?
[x] I curse regularly. = “AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!”

[ ] I paid for my cell phone ringtone.
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name.
[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation. = WHAT.
[x] I love Spam = tastes like bacon when it’s fried!
[ ] I bake well = I’m a horrible baker. I like using pots and pans.

[x] I would wear pajamas to school. = heck yeah. Beauty of college.
[ ] I own something from Abercrombie.

[ ] I have a job = LOOKING. LOOKING!

[ ] I love Martha Stewart. = refuses to go to MINIMUM SECURITY PRISON, and FOR WHAT?!
[x] I am in love with love. = OMG, YEAH. I love the idea of love.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] I am self conscious. = all the time.

[x] I like to laugh. = my best days are when I laugh a lot.
[ ] I smoke a pack a day.

[ ] I loved Go Ask Alice.
[x] I have cough drops when I'm not sick. = ricola? Gimme.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.

[x] I eat fast food weekly = if I think about it, I probably do.
[x] I have many scars = enough to notice. Knuckles, arm, forehead, etc.

[x] I've been out of this country
[x] I believe in ghosts. = and I don’t fuck with them.
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room
[x] I am really ticklish. = if I want to be.
[ ] I see a therapist.

[x] I love chocolate = mmm…chocolate…

[ ] I bite my nails.
[x] I am comfortable with being me. = sometimes. more than before now, though.
[x] I play computer games/video games when i'm bored. = I try not to, but it happens.
[x] Gotten lost in your city. = “Lost in suburbia hell.”
[x] Saw a shooting star. = many a time.

[x] Been to any other countries. = Taiwan?
[x] I had a serious Surgery. = wisdom teeth, OUT.

[x] Gone out in public in your pajamas = yeah…had to return a video. The girl was looking at my hair weird. So I told her to keep her eyes to herself.
[x] I have kissed a stranger = don’t ask.

[x] Hugged a stranger
[x] Been in a fist fight. = yeah…that hurt. Frick.

[ ] Been arrested.
[ ] Laughed and had milk/soda come out of your nose.
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator. = BOOYAH HILTON OF RENO!
[x] Made out in an elevator. = all the time
[x] Swore at your parents. = when it’s appropriate, let it rip!

[ ] Kicked a guy where it hurts.
[ ] Been skydiving.
[ ] Been bungee jumping.
[x] Broken a bone. = left ankle.
[ ] wore a thong = WHAT.
[x] Played spin the bottle.
[ ] Gotten stitches.

[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[x] Bitten someone. = HA!
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls.
[x] Gotten the chicken pox.

[ ] Crashed into a friend's car.
[ ] Been to Japan
[x] Ridden in a taxi. = When you’re in Asia…you should!

[x] Shoplifted. = eh.
[ ] Been fired.

[x] Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back. = happens all the time!
[x] Stole something from your job. = YEAH. PEOPLE’S DIGNITY! MWAHAAHAH

[x] Gone on a blind date. = it was fun! Too bad I don’t talk to her anymore.
[x] Lied to a friend. = and sometimes you gotta, you know?
[ ] Had a crush on a teacher/coach.
[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans

[ ] Been to Europe.
[ ] kissed someone who had a gf/bf
[ ] Slept with a co-worker.
[ ] Been married
[ ] Gotten divorced.
[x] Saw someone dying.
[x] Driven over 400 miles in one day. = Driving to San Diego, whoopty doo.

[x] Been to Canada. = when I was little :P
[x] Been on a plane. = flying to San Diego, whoopty doo.

[x] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show. = I’ve done a freaking REPORT on a live showing.
[ ] Thrown up in a bar.
[x] Eaten Sushi. = dude. How white do you take me for?!

[ ] Been snowboarding.
[x] Been skiing.
[x] Been ice skating.

[x] Met someone in person from the internet. = yeah. Yeah.
[x ] Been to a moto cross show. = OH YEAH!

[x] Gone/Going to college.

[ ] Done hard drugs.
[x] Taken painkillers. = god yeah.
[ ] Cheated on someone else.

[x]jumped on a bandwagon somewhere along the line.
[ ] Were so bored you took this survey. = not really. Just haven’t done this in a while.

do your own in the comments!

ladies and gentlement of the bay area:

i have hit the fucking jackpot.

do conversations on where to eat with your friends sound like this:
"where do you guys want to eat?"
"i don't care."
"i don't know."
"i'm just hungry..."
"how about *insert place*"
"i don't like *insert place*!"
"i'm just hungry..."

tired of eating at nation's giant burgers, mission burger, or bob's giant burgers or a permutation of "a place" and "giant" and "burger"?

is "fremont's fremont, and fremont's boring." the general consensus of your friends?

if so, then i have hit the fucking jackpot for you!

check out specific and picky restaurant reviews in the bay area

i bet my ass monkey that your friends, if receptive to new ideas, won't have problems with finding places to eat anymore.

...gotta get an ass monkey first.


Monday, July 25, 2005

need religion?

check this one out:

the perry bible fellowship

what that means, i have no clue.

but it's fucking hilarious.

share your favorite one in the comments!

(personally, mine's the reset button on humanity.)

family guy lovers: inquire within

got bittorrent?

love family guy?

anticipating the full length movie?

wait no more! Go here or here!

don't care about your job? want to be jobless?

play bullshit bingo!

okay, alright, fine.

let's say you don't want to lose your job.

imagine your boss or former boss talking. do any of these words ring a bell?

i don't know about you, but i'm whacking the Liberty Bell with a baseball bat.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

first post!

welcome to inaresting!

i'm hoping to start this blog to share what's interesting (or "inaresting") to me.

this can be anything from what i see on the internet, to what i bought at a store today, or simply to what i snapshotted on the street.

call it a personal blog with hopes that other people will want to join me, and at least contribute in little ways if they don't want to keep up with posting a personal blog.


ever seen what happens to a dog that attacks a porcupine?

i have. it's not pretty...

usually though, the dog learns pretty fucking quickly that a porcupine is a prickly little motherfucker.

however, some times, you really have to question how smart your dog is when he looks like this:

Don't click if you have a weak stomach!

Snopes has confirmed its authenticity. Check it out here.

it looks too surreal to be real.